

Damn, it's been a while since I've updated anything on this blog. Just been too busy with other things to really have the time to catch up on anything.

Let's see what's happened in the past month or so...
Got a new position with the company I work for (Woo for moving up!)
Joey's been on so many different meds that I can't remember them all, but finally the Adderall seems to be helping him more than anything else other than the Ritalin did.

Other than that, just working on getting ready for the holiday season. I'm taking the day off tomorrow to get all of the christmas shopping done that I need to do, along with getting a few bills paid that need to be paid.

I think that's about it for right now. Maybe another update soon. As always, you can check the mobile postings for pictures and quick little posts that I may put up.

Happy Holidays, everyone!


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